It's Gotta Go Somewhere

Yes, we know. You're a story writing MACHINE; so, where do you keep all the stuff you write? With the seemingly endless stream of new gadgets appearing everday, I could go all high tech but I think we need something a bit more tactile. Here are a few options for creating your own One-of-a-kind Artist's Books/Story Keepers:

Bookmaking and Papermaking

Booklyn's ED Manual
Booklyn has brought together book artists and educators to write, illustrate, and design an education manual for use by other book artists and educators. This two year collaboration between artists and educators aims to get the peoples' hands making more books, inside and outside the classroom.

The ED Manual combines instruction sheets, lesson plans, book making terminology, and resource lists. We've not only illustrated how to make a book, but have included actual models of the books in each manual. The content of the manual is anti-copyrighted and the design allows for easy duplicating.

Bound manuals available for $35.00 + $5.00 shipping.

The Booklyn ED Manual can also be downloaded for free.
Click here.

Fun Stuff

Edible Books

Inspiration: Book Art Centers

Columbia College, Chicago

Book Art Center, New York

Minnesota Center for Book Arts

San Francisco Center for the Book

University of Iowa Center for the Book

For the wee ones:

DLTK's Educational Printables for Kids: Make Your Own Mini-Books

Make these mini-books with or for your children to help encourage them to read. The books come with activity sheets to reinforce the stories.



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