Two Writing Competitions:
Short Fiction | Poetry

DEADLINE: Postmarked between August 1 and October 30, 2006
Manhantanville College
Masters of Arts in Creative Writing Program

The 9th Annual Short Fiction Competition
$1500 Grand Prize & Publication in INKWELL
Competition Judge: Joan Silber


1. Up to 3 previously unpublished stories, 5,000-word limit
2. Text must be typed, 12pt. font, double-spaced, one-sided
3. Cover sheet with name, address, phone, e-mail, titles and word counts
Submission Checklist - download here and print out.
5. No name or address anywhere on manuscripts
6. SASE for contest notification only – manuscripts will be recycled
7. Entry fee: $15 per story Checks (USD ONLY) made out to Manhattanville

INKWELL Announces the 10th Annual Poetry Competition

$1000 Grand Prize & Publication INKWELL

Competition Judge: Alice Quinn


1. Up to 5 unpublished poems, 40 line limit per poem
2. Only typed entries will be considered; 12pt. font
3. Cover sheet with name, address, phone, e-mail, titles and line counts
Submission Checklist - download here and print out.
5. No name or address anywhere on manuscript(s)
6. SASE for contest notification only – manuscripts will be recycled
7. $10 for first poem, $5 per each additional poem
8. Checks payable to Manhattanville - INKWELL

NOTE: Indicate Poetry or Fiction Competition on envelope. If submitting to both Poetry and Fiction Competitions, please use separate envelopes. Submissions not adhering to the above guidelines will not be considered.

Mail to:
Manhattanville College
2900 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577


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